New look for Props!

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We’ve been working on some exciting updates to the Props brand and from today you will start seeing some changes to the way we look and how we talk about what we do.

Why rebrand?

It’s been a busy year, we now have five social enterprises! Tapestry by Props brewery, Crafted by Props Cafe and shop, Workshop by Props, Cycle Hub by Props and Vassall Cafe by Props.

Our goal is for these to become profitable entities in their own right, to create tailored pathways to work opportunities and break down barriers for people who have disabilities in the workplace. 

In order to reach this goal, each social enterprise needs their own brand identity and online presence.

What will change?

  • So we’ve developed a new logo for Props that now sits on top of the brand family for all our enterprises, you can see these here
  • We’ve built a new user-friendly website, which has been designed with accessibility at its heart, to showcase the talent and incredible work of our Trainees.
  • We’ve updated how we describe Props – what we’re doing, why we’re doing it and the ways we’re going about it. You’ll see these changes throughout the website and our marketing materials.

When will these changes happen?

  • We are launching our new website and using the new Props and enterprise brands from 10th October.

What will stay the same?

  • The day to day work, sessions and activities within Props are staying the same. 
  • Our contact details, email addresses, website address and social media accounts are the same.
  • Our commitment to the Trainees we serve is the same, as is our ultimate purpose, but we have updated how we talk about our work to better describe our mission:

“Our mission is to create an inclusive society by empowering adults who have learning disabilities to achieve purposeful and rewarding work opportunities. 

Our work is deeply integrated within the wider community to challenge perceptions of what people who have learning disabilities should expect from society.

At Props we foster independence and support people to grow in all aspects of their lives.”

How can you help?

We’d be really grateful if you could update our logo and descriptions if they feature on your website or materials, everything you need is here.

Our Stories

Working together to
build an inclusive future