
Our training support services are designed to develop the skills and experience necessary for adults with learning disabilities to progress on the pathway to paid work, either working in one of our social enterprises, or through our partnerships with businesses across Bristol.

Our goal is to provide a caring, fun and friendly environment for our Trainees to gain the tools and work skills to progress to paid work opportunities, while fostering independence and self-confidence.

Each service focuses on building skills and experience in a different area of work and there are a broad range of activities which cater to the individual support needs and interests of our Trainees.


Chloe’s journey in Vassall Cafe by Props


Jordan’s customer service journey


Jamie’s journey to confidence in the Cafe


Jack’s journey to workshop assistant


Lucio’s journey the office

Fallback Image

Farwa’s journey to enterprise baking


Matt’s journey to cycle leader

Our Stories

Working together to
build an inclusive future