Farwa’s journey to enterprise baking

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"Farwa is the most enthusiastic Trainee I’ve ever had in music, a joy to see the change to really express herself”

Farwa's Story

Before joining our Hospitality Training Support group, Farwa had done some home cooking but lacked confidence in her skills in the kitchen. At first she was very quiet in sessions and didn’t talk much and wasn’t very confident in sharing her opinion during sessions.

Cooking for the Vassall Cafe

Our hospitality services gave Farwa the training and support to develop her technical skills in the kitchen, including following more complex recipes, health and safety and food hygiene.

Farwa now works in our catering kitchen – making cakes, frittatas, veggie sausage rolls to be sold in the Vassall Cafe by Props.

Her confidence has blossomed with her sense of pride at the feedback she receives from her show stopping baking, such as:

“She could run the enterprise kitchen!” – Shannon
“Could make amazing frittata with her eyes closed” – Chloe
“Farwa won’t hesitate to correct you if you make a mistake” – Liz

We are hoping for Farwa to progress to paid employment in our Crafted by Props cafe, which will be the perfect outlet for sharing her cooking with the public!


And Farwa’s confidence hasn’t just blossomed in the kitchen, she has also been thriving in music sessions as part of our creative training support services.

When she joined Props Farwa was again quiet and hesitant to join in exploring instruments and contributing in sessions. But as her confidence has grown, her love for music has burst out:

‘Farwa is the most enthusiastic trainee I’ve ever had in music, a joy to see the change to really express herself” Steve, Music Training Support Services

We’re so happy to celebrate Farwa’s achievements and progress in the kitchen as well as her creative expression in music!

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